Stewart Everett pursued this Arkansas buck for years before he had the opportunity to seal the deal and win BEST OF SHOW at ARKANSAS" premier hunting show!
Read his story in his words.
"On an early fall day in 2012, I spotted an odd deer that took me on a three year quest. It was a good size buck with 7 points but it was still in velvet in late September. I put out a game camera and all of the pics the first year were at night, the deer was total nocturnal. What I could tell by the pics however, as I watched from October through January that season was that the rack stayed in full velvet. About two weeks into the next year's season, in a late night game cam pic, there again was the craziest looking buck I had ever seen. Medusa looking antlers to me. I mean they twisted everywhere up, down, in, out, had to be 20 or more points, still in velvet. Deer stands got moved all different places, game cameras got moved, looking for any direction this deer might be coming from. The buck was smart and scared of everything. Time lapse pics would show if I put corn in a feeder he would not get close to it for 3 or 4 days. After hundreds of hours hunting and thousands of dollars in deer food and food plots, this one deer was making me go totally crazy. Over the next two years and a thousand game cam pics later of the freak , I could see that his velvet covered antlers never shed. He went from 7 points (at that first sighting) to over 40 at one time ( the best I could tell ). September 2015 rolled around and finally the 5 or 6 year old buck started to keep a regular pattern on picture time stamps. He was showing up in late afternoon about every third day at a feeder with other bachelor bucks. It was the first time in all the years, he seemed to have a pattern. Neighbors reported seeing the buck around their place and I decided if I was going to have a chance at this guy, it was now during early bow season. I decided to hunt Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the second week of bow season as the forecast was for a north wind. After a long Thursday hunt with 6 beautiful mature bucks walking just feet from my box stand, it was a no show for the freak. On Friday about 5 pm, the same group of bucks started filtering out of the woods one at time. After number 6 made his way into the field, I caught a glimpse of this massive brush thing moving in the woods about 20 yards deep into the timber. I slowly got my crossbow in place and watched as the freak picked grass and clover back and forth across the food plot. Looking through the scope on the crossbow, I was so scared to death that at one point the entire box stand was pounding from my heart rate. Three years and finally this buck was giving me the opportunity just to get ready to make a shot. It took over 30 minutes for him to close 100 yards moving left to right then back right to left. At 41 yards and broadside it was time. I let my breath out and pulled the trigger. My quest had come to a close and it felt amazing!" (Boone & Crockett doesn't recognize "cactus racks" but at over 240", it is an incredible buck in any book! )
Stewart wasn't the only one in the family to have an epic year. His wife, Tracy, tagged her own trophy buck and won the 2015 Ladies Division of Arkansas' premier hunting show! Congratulations to the Everett Family and thank you for supporting the Arkansas Big Buck Classic!